Let’s Get Started

1. Book

Choose a time that’s best for you.

Use the calendar below to choose a convenient time for your initial consultation call. You will receive an email following your booking with an agenda for the consultation. The email will also contain a short list of discussion points to consider prior to the call.

2. Pay

AI Action Plans cost £295

You’ll be asked to pay your AI Action Plan fee after you’ve made your booking. The fee covers the initial consultation and the production of the plan. This fee is remunerable against your plans initial build cost if you decide to proceed with your recommendations.

3. Receive

Your plan will be with you in 7 days or less.

Following your consultation, we will produce your customised AI Action plan. This contains all the individual recommended actions you could be taking now to integrate AI Automation into your business, as well as actions you may want to consider in the future.

Not ready yet or got some questions?

Book a free discovery call and we’ll discuss the viability of AI Automation in your business.