Meet Our
Leadership Team

Anastasia Green

Business Development

Antony Lees

Head of AI Automation

Alexia Ruoy

Client Services

Fast Return

The priority for any bot that we deploy is to show its value as quickly as possible. It’s in our interest to ensure your bot is providing return on investment within weeks.


Between us and our network, we have a wealth of experience in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, business automation, design, and digital marketing.


Our team has a true desire to excel in every aspect of this cutting edge industry. AI is the future for business, and we’ll always strive to be at the forefront.

Join our Awesome Team

We’re always on the look out for talented and enthusiastic people to join our team. If you have a genuine desire to work in the world of AI then please send us your CV.

Virtual to Reality

Our mission

Turning Virtual into Reality

Our bots may perform as virtual assistants, but their relentless output materialises into actual improved real world figures on your business’s bottom line. It’s our mission to show small and medium sized business owners what todays AI is actually capable of.

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